When I first set out to write The Art of The Insurance Deal it was at the behest of a friend who said " Jeff, you have purchased so many agencies, you really should write a book about it, help future generations"
I had no idea that someone would actually be interested in hearing about the ins and outs of buying and selling Insurance agencies.
I also had no imagination that my little book would be a #1 new release on Amazon.

Throughout the last year, I have received several images from friends and even people I have never met, reading copies of my book.
It all started with a post from a good friend, who texted me a picture of him reading it with the caption: " bought it, read it, this is excrement ".

Everyone should have friends like this. #keephumble.
If you have purchased or received a copy, feel free to send me a pic.
Also, if you are an agency owner looking to sell your insurance agency, please take a moment to schedule a meeting so we can chat. I would love to send you a copy of my book and talk about your retirement dreams.